

Monday, May 17, 2010

Last day of Science Fun!

We studied ocean life this week. Miss Ginger brought her clown fish to visit--salt water creatures. We discussed the differences between salt and fresh water, the different levels of the ocean and the sealife that lives at each level. The kids went "shark bowling", played fishing games, and we made some very colorful jellyfish. We also ate a yummy "ocean" snack.

We are treating the Thursday and Friday classes to an end-of-the-year pizza party lunch, just because. The Tuesday class is already having a pizza party lunch that day with their Parrot class, so we have a special summer treat bag for them to bring home.

We can't tell you how much we have been blessed by your precious children and the opportunity to discover God's creation with them through science. We hope they will always enjoy learning. Thank you for sharing them with us.

Books we read: Wish for Fish (Dr. Suesse); God Created the Oceans

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