

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Digestive System

The Tuesday/Thursday classes did not get to do the skin experiment last week due to a shortage of time, so we are going to begin this week by collecting "germs" [touching the surface of an agar (gelatin) solution], and we will check back next week to see what is "growing". A good start to our digestive unit this week as we look at the travels of food in our bodies and how each part of our digestive system participates in the process of breaking down and using food to keep our bodies going.

We start with a book about eating a hamburger and what happens to it in our bodies. We draw a life-sized silhouette of each child and they work on putting down the major organs that are used in the digestive system so they can really see how it all works.

We will play the "digestion game" where the children stand in two rows and represent the organs of the system. Someone will represent the hamburger and the children will chew him, swallow him, take him through the stomach, down the intestines and then yes, "in the end", they will eliminate him! It is hilarious to watch, but it provides a terrific hands-on learning opportunity that works so well with this age group.

We will have a gummy-snack treat for them to eat to demonstrate how much saliva helps in preparing our food for digestion. A terrific web site for kids and health is "kidshealth.org". There is a page especially for kids, and your family can learn alot in a fun way from this site, about digestion, kidneys and health in general.

Books we Read: What Happens to a Hamburger? (Paul Showers)


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