

Monday, December 3, 2012


Joseph was a carpenter. He taught his son, Jesus, the art of making things with wood. In Science Fun this week we look at the source of wood, specifically trees, how they grow, how God uses them in His creation, and how important they are to us. Trees provide us with so much more than shade. So many living things, us included, depend on trees for food. Their roots help keep water filling our underground aquifers, and their leaves taking in carbon dioxide and giving out oxygen during their food making process give our world the oxygen we need to breathe.

We are exploring wood this week because we are creating with wood. Carpenters make things with wood and we will too. The kids will select several pieces to sand and then decide on a design. They will glue their projects together this week. Next week we will paint them! It's great to see the "gears" at work as they experiment with size, pattern, balance and color.  We will also have a "snow-covered log" snack to eat! 

Books we Read: "A Tree is Nice, by Janice May Udry; "The Secret Life of Trees", by Chiara Chevallier.  "Be a Friend to Trees", Patricia Lauber.

Next Week:  The four seasons of a tree.

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