

Sunday, January 20, 2013

The Water Cycle

We looked at frozen precipitation last week--snow, sleet, and hail--and continue our unit on precipitation this week learning about the water cycle.  We discuss how the same water returns to earth over and over again, through God's creation of the water cycle.  We will make bracelets to help us remember:  "white" clouds form (condensation), 'blue" rain falls (precipitation), watering the "green" grass, warmed by the "yellow sun," which changes water into "clear" water vapor (evaporation) and back into "white" clouds again.  We learn the cycle--evaporation, condensation, precipitation--by singing a song to the tune of "Clementine."  Ask your child to sing it for you! 

Our class activity has the kids physically demonstrating the water cycle, and having great fun at the same time!  We toss ping pong balls up into a suspended umbrella (evaporation), the balls roll to the center of the umbrella and the kids gather together under it (condensation), then we turn over the umbrella and the balls bound all over the children and around the classroom (precipitation)!  We will pop paper bags to simulate the loud rushing sound of air that we call thunder, rub balloons on our hair to see the results of positive and negative charges present in lightning, and finish by acting out our own indoor "thunderstorm" using props. All in all, a very busy day.

Books We Read: Kids Book of Clouds and Sky (Frank Staub): Why Is It Raining? (Judith Williams)

Next Week:  Dinosaurs

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