

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Well, my fellow paleontologists, it is time to get back to work. This week we will talk about some scientific theories of how the dinosaurs died out or disappeared, and we will continue to learn how paleontologists have discovered so much about dinosaurs.

This week we will make fossil dinosaur soap eggs. We melt glycerin over a skillet, adding color and scent to make a mixture. We then pour it into a mold with a small dinosaur toy, cool and unmold our creations. The kids will "discover" their dinosaur as they use the soap over the weeks to come. We will also "excavate" chocolate chips from our cookie snack . What a fun way to excavate!

Books We Read: Oh Say Can You Say Dinosaur? (Dr. Suess) Archaeologists Dig for Clues (Kate Duke)

Next week we will begin a 2-week study of Geology. The children may bring in a rock for show and tell to the class. Nothing valuable, please!  We suggest it come in a zip-lock bag with their name on it.

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