

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!

You know how kids can ask the "darndest" questions, fully expecting us to give them an answer because, to our preschoolers, "parents know everything"? Well, after this week they should no longer ask you why leaves change colors, because they will know!

We talked about the changes that take place in autumn, particularly the trees around us. We talked about how not as much water is available to trees in the winter and how the cooler temperatures slow the trees' growth, so some trees need to rest. They stop sending water to their leaves so the leaves no longer make food and drop. That keeps the water inside the tree trunk and branches, and keeps the tree alive.

When the leaves stop getting water, the green color, chlorophyll, fades away and then you can see the yellow and orange, which was there all the time. The red colors form when lots of sunlight changes the sugar left in the leaf to a red color. If a leaf has just a little bit of sugar, it turns brown. The trees will grow new leaves in the spring.

We had some fun with leaf prints and made a "leafy" turkey decoration for Thanksgiving. We enjoyed the story, Stone Soup, and made our own version of stone soup (also called "Teacher's Trail Mix). We talked about how we all have gifts to share, and when we share, good things happen. That's what Thanksgiving is all about!

We are so very thankful that you share your precious children with us. Peace and love to your family this Thanksgiving.

Books We Read: Why Do Leaves Change Colors? (Betsy Maestro & Loretta Krupinski);
Stone Soup (Marcia Brown)

Next Week: We will start woodworking for December. Please send in any small (untreated) scrap wood you might have around your workshop. Thanks!

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