

Monday, December 7, 2009

Who was there at the Manger?

We talk about animals a lot in this class. Well animals were present the night Jesus was born in the stable. What type of animals where there? What was God's purpose of having animals present at this birth? And what does this word "manger" mean? We will focus on these questions and read a wonderful story about a little lamb.
Also we will talk about Joseph, father to Jesus. Joseph was a carpenter. People did not go to college back then, they learned their father's trade. We will look at some of the tools that a carpenter uses in working with wood. The children will learn how to make a straight cutting line with a snap of a chalk line. They will learn how to measure and draw right angles with a square. They will have the opportunity to use an antique manual hand-drill to bore holes into wood to show wooden dowels were used to join two pieces of wood (instead of power nail guns).
The children will be painting their wooden creations today and will come away with such skill that you will be asking them to help paint a room in the house (maybe).
I am hoping they will also get an appreciation that all parents have talents to share and pass down to their children, just as Joseph passed down to Jesus as a child. Find time during the holiday season to pass down one of your talents to your child too.

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