

Monday, March 25, 2013

Scientists believe in God

We have spent this year observing,experimenting and drawing conclusions on chemicals, plants, animals, humans, the earth and its atmosphere.  And yet for all the knowledge learned, all the discoveries made, all the conclusions drawn, we take this week to remember all that we observe was first created by God.  Was he the original Scientist of the Universe?  Is he observing us still?

   Easter is a time of rebirth so we shall have fun this week doing some silly "Eggsperiments".  The egg is a phenomenally simplistic creation out of the back end of a chicken from which architectural genius was derived. If you hold a raw egg in your hand (make sure you have no rings on your finger) and make a fist and squeeze as hard as you can, you can not crack the shell.  If you empty out three eggshells and then cut them in half and then place the halved shells in a triangle shape, you can place heavy books on top of the shells and they won't crack.  We tested these theories in class.
   The strength of the egg lies in its shape.  Architects and engineers have used smooth curves to support the weight of structures for centuries.  They are called arches and are in buildings and bridges around the world.  An arch directs pressure so that it compresses the building material which makes it stronger.  Even a concrete block will break if you hit it on the side with a hammer.  But under compression from above, the concrete becomes incredibly strong.  So an egg is an amazing piece of natural engineering.  Once again, God created it first!  Also, look at the bottom of your foot and find the arch God gave you to sustain the weight of your whole body.
   We used an empty glass jar and a boiled egg to prove that things exist which we just can not see.  I placed three lighted matches in the bottom of the jar and put the boiled egg on top of the opening.  Within a minute the egg was magically pulled into the jar by an invisible hand.  What??? Ok, really the fire used up all the oxygen in the jar and heated the air, as it cooled it compressed, causing a vacuum thereby sucking the boiled egg into the jar.  The kids love this and it helps explain the importance of oxygen and the fact that it feeds the fire.  God has surely created things that we don't even see or that we take for granted each day.
   We tested our acid/bases lessons out on some hard boiled eggs and learned that acidic water makes a much brighter colored egg in much less time. We used beets for red dye, turmeric for gold, and grape juice for purple eggs and lemon juice for acid in the dye water.  God has provided all we need.

Happy Easter egg hunting this week and I hope you find everything that you are searching for in this blessed Easter Season.  Please save your Styrofoam egg cartons and donate them to SciFun for later use.

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