

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

      Welcome back to Science Fun.  We hope your spring break was restful and filled with good family time.

      Last week we looked at our solar system, our place in space, how astronauts get from earth to space, and some of the things we might see in the night sky, such as meteors and comets.  We conclude our Space unit this week by discussing the moon and stars and how the night sky seems to change.

     We will take turns being planet earth as we rotate around our closest star, the sun ( a sun lamp), watching as the shadows change and how the light rises and sets as we spin in orbit.  We will use a balloon to represent the moon to see how its shape "changes" in the night sky over the course of a month.  We will make a moon and stars painting to  help us understand how we can see stars at night but not during the day.  And for our snack, Miss Debbie is making moon pies for us!

     Lots of star studded fun this week!

Next Week:  "Eggs-periments"

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