

Friday, August 31, 2012

Hello and welcome to Science Fun!  We will be meeting with your children once a week to learn and explore together the wonders of God's creation.

Each day will consist of circle time where we introduce our day's topic, table time where we will do hands-on activities and experiments related to our topic, centers time where the kids choose a play center, playground time (weather permitting) and lunch, of course!

We will begin our year by learning, "What is a Scientist?"  Additional topics for the fall season include: earth and soil, color and light, plants and seeds, our five senses, chemistry (liquids, solids, gases), mammals, backyard friends, trees, and much more.

For future information on our weekly Science Fun activities, please visit our blog!  You can find it by signing in to:  www.elpsciencefun.blogspot.com.  This will give you the latest information on what we are learning, and occasionally we will be making requests for recycled materials to use for our science activities.  For instance, we are currently collecting styrofoam egg cartons which we will be using for a project in two weeks.

There are approximately 45 children in the Science Fun program this year, so please give us time to learn your names and get to know you.  We are so excited and look forward to meeting your sweet children, and you!

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