

Monday, October 1, 2012

Creation Story Part III - Plants

This week we continue our discussion of God's creation story, focusing on the creation of plants.  Thanks so much for sending in the egg cartons.  We are using them this week with our garden project.

God had a wonderful plan when he created seeds so plants could reproduce themselves. We discussed the main parts of a plant--root, stem, leaves, flower, fruit and seeds. We looked at the "fruits" of plants we may have at home, cutting open and removing their seeds--string beans, cucumbers, corn, peppers and tomatoes.

The children will bring home their own starter gardens, having planted seeds of tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, basil, lima beans, green beans, and green peas. If you keep the egg cartons in a sunny window and keep the soil moist, you should soon see sprouts. [We also planted seeds from the fresh veggies we dissected. They probably won't germinate, but they were fun to find and plant. :) ]

We snacked on seeds (sunflower kernels), roots (carrots), stems (celery), leaves (lettuce and basil), and flowers (broccoli), with a little ranch dressing on the side, of course!

Books we read: "From Seed to Plant" (Gail Gibbons); "Oh Say, Can You Seed?" (Dr. Suess); "How Are You Peeling?" (Saxton Freyman and Joost Elffers).

NEXT WEEK: Our Five Senses

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