

Monday, March 1, 2010

Human Body - Bones and Skin

We look inside and out at the human body this week. At the center of our bodies is the skeleton which gives us our shape and holds us erect. We look at x-rays of bones. We create a paper plate skeleton showing the major bones out of the 206 bones in our bodies. We ate bones and marrow for a snack - yum. (white bread with strawberry jam) We talked about the function of skin which is to hold all the body parts in, to serve as a germ barrier, to help with regulating body temperature, and to assist in our sense of touch. The children touched objects in the room and then touched a petri dish of agar this week. We will see what germs were picked up on their hands and transferred to the dish as it grows and make observations, results and conclusions about the importance of bathing our bodies and washing our hands to remove unseen germs everyday. The kids are usually grossed out and fasinated at the same time with this experiment.

Dem bones, dem bones gonna walk around this week!!!!

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