

Tuesday, September 18, 2012


Welcome back, Science Fun Friends!

We had great fun getting to know your kiddos last week.  Please remember to send them in play clothes that are o.k. to get messy.  Check out the 2012-13 Science Fun link to the right on this page to see some great pictures of your little scientists in action.

This week we get the "dirt" on dirt!  We start with the creation story, focusing on our Earth that God created. We will discuss the layers of the earth--crust, mantle and core, and then create clay models of the layers of the earth to show our families how God formed the layers of our beautiful planet.

Since we live on the crust of the earth, we talk about what it is made from and create our own "soil" using sand, clay, pebbles, mulch and water.  Then, we will compare it to soil dug from our playground.  We will talk about how soil is formed over thousands of years and look at how it is uniquely designed by God to support living things--plants, animals, us!

We will make our own "mulch mix" snack, and just for fun, have a little mud pie center on the playground.

Books we ReadOur Planet Earth (Lisa Feder-Feitel); Dirt: The Scoop on Soil (Natalie Rozinski)

Next Week:  Color and Light

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